The Minority-Serving Institutions Student Council (MSISC) wishes to announce there are funds available to support events, programs, and initiatives for UNLV departments and registered student organizations through its Campus Disbursement Fund.
The mission of the MSISC is to design, construct, and maintain institutional support systems to promote educational success for students of color and other
underrepresented students in higher education. The MSISC Campus Disbursement Fund is one avenue that is available to help the Council fulfill its mission.
Funding Eligibility Requirements
The MSISC will accept applications from any UNLV department and registered student organization. Each program or service model will only be eligible to receive funds for the current fiscal year. Priority will be given to first time programs and service models as well as graduate/professional registered student organizations. All programs and service models must be geared to supporting historically underrepresented students.
Application Process
To be considered for any funding from the MSISC, the following must be submitted:
1) Completed application via electronic link:
2) Two letters of support: one from within the UNLV department/ registered student organization and one from a student participant of the program/ service model requesting funding.
3) Attach a letter describing the program/ service model including history, anticipated/ recurring student attendance records, and previous and current budgets and funding sources (including sponsorships).
a) Please include a brief statement to explain how receiving this funding will positively affect historically underrepresented students at UNLV
b) Include a detailed explanation of the future direction for the program/ service model including targets and benchmarks
c) Provide any examples of media exposure (news stories, blogs, articles, etc.)
Timeline/Approval Process
The application deadline is:
• First Wednesday in September for the Fall semester.
• First Wednesday in February for the Spring semester.
The MSISC will meet twice a year to review submitted applications. The MSISC will discuss and vote on funding requests and notify the applicant via email. All correspondence will be sent from within 3 business days.
If the application is approved:
• the MSISC advisor (or designee) will process the funding transfer within 2 weeks of the decision
• the applicant is responsible for submitting an activity recap including student attendance, other sources of funding, program targets and benchmarks met, and survey data, if applicable, to the MSISC within 6 weeks of the activity’s completion. Failure to do so will result in no more funding from the MSISC until a recap has been submitted.
For more information, please email all questions to