MSI Graduate Student Open Access Fund

MSISC Member and doctoral candidate in the Department of Anthropology: Daniel Perez.

Daniel Perez is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Anthropology. More specifically, Daniel is an archaeologist by training and specializes in the archaeology of the North American Southwest. Daniel has also been involved in archaeological research projects in the Near East for 10 years prior to arriving at UNLV. Daniel serves as a member of the Minority-Serving Institution Student Council (MSISC). He helps promote individual projects as well as collective initiatives and events with other council members–both of which aim to further the mission and research of … Read More


The Minority-Serving Institutions Student Council (MSISC) wishes to announce there are funds available to support events, programs, and initiatives for UNLV departments and registered student organizations through its Campus Disbursement Fund.

The mission of the MSISC is to design, construct, and maintain institutional support systems to promote educational success for students of color and other
underrepresented students in higher education. The MSISC Campus Disbursement Fund is one avenue that is available to help the Council fulfill its mission.

Funding Eligibility Requirements
The MSISC will accept applications from any UNLV department and registered student organization. Each program or service model will … Read More


Daniel Perez (MSI Student Council) and Andrea Wirth (UNLV University Libraries)

Over the last decade, UNLV has reached many significant milestones—designation as a Title III & IV Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) in 2012; designation as both an Asian-American and Native-American, Pacific Islander-Serving Institution (AANAPISI) and a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) in 2015; and attainment of R1 (very high research activity) status within the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education in 2018. In the spirit of these designations, the MSI Student Council and the UNLV University Libraries are pleased to introduce the MSI Graduate Student Open Access Fund. This fund aims to … Read More