New UNLV Initiative

Issues of mass incarceration and criminalization in American society are well documented. For individuals looking to change their lives and put the stigma of their pasts behind them, higher education provides an opportunity for upward social and economic mobility. Despite the opportunity a college education provides, students with criminal backgrounds (justice-involved/impacted individuals) often encounter cultural and structural barriers which negatively affect issues of access and success. Source: NASPA.org

Some UNLV students face societal barriers as a result of their interaction with the criminal justice system. Having an arrest, criminal charge, or record of conviction can impact … Read More


By Rian Satterwhite, Director, Office of Service Learning & Leadership

In September 2018 the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) launched the Foster Youth Success Initiative and approved the Foster Youth Fee Waiver. To continue this important work, UNLV was recently successful in securing funding from the Walter S. Johnson Foundation to create a position and program to better support UNLV former foster youth through wrap-around services and to ensure that all who are eligible are taking advantage of the NSHE Foster Youth Fee Waiver.

The program will launch Fall 2020, with the anticipated hire of a new … Read More


By Melissa Bowles-Terry, Associate Director, UNLV Faculty Center

After the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd sparked protests across the country, many “anti-racist reading lists” began popping up all over my social media feeds. I’m a librarian and many of my friends are librarians (or book-people), so maybe I saw more of this than others, but I think we were all seeing lots of resource lists. 

As much as I believe in the power of information, I also realize that without accountability, discussion, and action, reading about racism and anti-racism isn’t going to get … Read More


News & Updates

Welcome to the MSI Student Services Committee Blog. Here you will find information about the progress this committee is making toward advancing student success initiatives for campus students of color, including promoting educational equity and eliminating the achievement gap.

Purpose of the SSC:
  • To review student-facing programs, service models, and policies that have implications for equity.

  • Share best practices across campus and work with units on the refinement of existing student services and development of new ones.