MSI Graduate Student Open Access Fund

MSISC Member and doctoral candidate in the Department of Anthropology: Daniel Perez.

Daniel Perez is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Anthropology. More specifically, Daniel is an archaeologist by training and specializes in the archaeology of the North American Southwest. Daniel has also been involved in archaeological research projects in the Near East for 10 years prior to arriving at UNLV. Daniel serves as a member of the Minority-Serving Institution Student Council (MSISC). He helps promote individual projects as well as collective initiatives and events with other council members–both of which aim to further the mission and research of … Read More


Keren Jean-Charles

Keren Jean-Charles is a junior psychology major who is actively involved in student organizations and projects that elevate students’ voices across campus. Keren is the lead mentor at The Intersection and a council member for the Minority-Serving Institution Student Council (MSISC). As a council member, Keren was the executive producer and host of a podcast about social justice issues called “You Gon’ Listen.” They also helped the UNLV Food Pantry receive a $20,000 grant to create a farmers market on campus and helped The Intersection receive a $1,000 grant for their food pantry. Now, Keren mentors students, works … Read More