The Purpose:
To review student-facing programs, service models, and policies that have implications for racial and ethnicity equity.
Share best practices across campus and work with units on the refinement of existing student services and development of new ones.
LaToya Burdiss. Associate Director/Recreation Programs
Valarie Burke, Assistant Dean/Graduate College
Joanna Jezierska, Director/Multicultural Program for STEM and Health Sciences
Tricia McCrory, Executive Director/Undergraduate Advising Practice
Dionna McDonald, Director, Centralized Services for Campus Campus Life
Ann White, Senior Director of Data, Assessment, Retention, and Diversity/Academic Success Center
Sal Mora, Director of Academic Advising/Academic Success Center
Blanca Rincon, Assistant Professor/Educational Psychology and Higher Education
Mariana Sarmiento Hernandez, Resource Coordinator/Office of Diversity Initiatives
Rian Satterwhite, Director/Service Learning & Leadership